Upgrade Your Home’s Electrical System with Three Phase Power

Upgrade Your Home’s Electrical System with Three Phase Power

residential electrician Sydney

As our lives become increasingly dependent on electricity, there may come a time when you need to upgrade your home’s electrical system to meet your growing energy needs. One way to enhance your power supply is by investing in a three-phase power upgrade, which can help improve the quality of your electrical supply and increase energy efficiency. In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits of three-phase power, its installation process, and why it’s essential to hire a licensed residential electrician in Sydney for the job.

What is three-phase power?

Three-phase power is a type of electrical power that is used to operate large motor loads, such as those found in industrial applications. In simple terms, it describes electricity supplied to a building using three different voltage waves, each a third of a cycle apart. Unlike the single-phase power used in most homes, three-phase power is much more efficient and reliable, as it delivers a constant flow of power to your home or building.

The benefits of a three-phase power upgrade:

Upgrading your home’s electrical system to three-phase power can offer numerous benefits, including:

● Greater power capacity: With a three-phase system, you get more power per wire than you would with a single-phase system, which means you can run more powerful appliances without overloading your circuits.

● Increased energy efficiency: Due to the constant power supply from three-phase power, there is less energy waste, and the power is distributed more efficiently.

● Smaller wire sizes: Three-phase power requires smaller wire sizes as compared to single-phase power, which makes it more cost-effective in terms of installation.

Things to consider before the upgrade:

Before you upgrade your home’s electrical system to three-phase power, consider the following:

● Your home’s power consumption: Check if your current electrical supply is meeting your daily energy needs. You may not need a three-phase upgrade if your current supply is sufficient.

● Your budget: Upgrading to a three-phase power system can be expensive. Make sure you have a budget in place before proceeding with the upgrade.

The installation process:

Installing a three-phase power system involves replacing your single-phase power source with a three-phase power supply. The process includes the following steps:

● A licensed electrician will survey your home’s electrical system to determine the power capacity you need.

● The electrician will install a new electrical panelboard and sub-panelboard in your home to support the three-phase system.

● They will also install three-phase circuit breakers and other equipment to distribute the power evenly across your home.


Three-phase power upgrade in Sydney can be a significant step in modernizing and improving your home’s electrical system. As discussed in this article, it can offer more power capacity, greater energy efficiency, and smaller wire sizes that can lead to cost savings. However, it’s crucial to consult with a licensed residential electrician in Sydney to ensure that the installation process is safe and meets the legal standards. If you are considering a three-phase power upgrade, Top Class Electricals is here to help. Get in touch with us today to discuss your needs.